Getting published can be easier than you think it will be!!!

1) Never just send your poetry in to a publisher always phone first, tell them about yourself and your pieces and ask them if you can send some poems in for them to look at. If they are expecting mail from you then they will actually take some time to have a look at your work whereas if you just send it all in without talking to them first it will get put in the inbox along with the 300 other letters from people just like yourself.

2) Always wait untill you have at least 20 pieces to send in and send them all together. Publishers actually prefer this! And even if you are lucky only one or two pieces would probably even make the grade to get looked at again

3) Make sure hand written pieces of poetry are typed prior to sending, even if you are the best poet in the world they wont even take one look at hand written send-in's.

4) Always include a covering letter describing yourself and your interests a little. And thank them for taking the time to read your poetry.

                                           5) Be prepared for rejection. but if they reject a poem that you really like give it a few tweaks and send it in again.